Source code for jicbioimage.segment

"""Module containing image segmentation functions.

Example usage:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from jicbioimage.core.image import Image
>>> ar = np.array([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
...                [1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
...                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
...                [0, 0, 2, 2, 2],
...                [0, 0, 2, 2, 2]], dtype=np.uint8)
>>> im = Image.from_array(ar)
>>> connected_components(im)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
SegmentedImage([[3, 3, 1, 1, 1],
                [3, 3, 1, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 2, 2, 2],
                [1, 1, 2, 2, 2]])
>>> connected_components(im, background=0)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
SegmentedImage([[2, 2, 0, 0, 0],
                [2, 2, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
                [0, 0, 1, 1, 1]])
>>> segmentation = connected_components(im, background=0)
>>> segmentation.history
['Created image from array', 'Applied connected_components transform']


import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import skimage.measure
import skimage.morphology

from jicbioimage.core.image import Image
from jicbioimage.core.transform import transformation
from jicbioimage.core.util.array import pretty_color_array, unique_color_array

__version__ = "0.4.0"

[docs]class Region(np.ndarray): """Class representing a region of interest in an image. The :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` class is a subclass of numpy.ndarray. However, note that it will compress any data given to it to boolean. >>> import numpy as np >>> ar = np.array([-1, 0, 1, 2]) >>> Region(ar) Region([ True, False, True, True], dtype=bool) To select an particular element use the :func:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region.select_from_array` class method. >>> Region.select_from_array(ar, identifier=2) Region([False, False, False, True], dtype=bool) """ def __new__(cls, input_array): obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) return obj.astype(bool) @classmethod
[docs] def select_from_array(cls, array, identifier): """Return a region from a numpy array. :param array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param identifier: value representing the region to select in the array :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ base_array = np.zeros(array.shape) array_coords = np.where(array == identifier) base_array[array_coords] = 1 return cls(base_array)
@property def inner(self): """Region formed by taking non-border elements. :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ inner_array = nd.morphology.binary_erosion(self) return Region(inner_array) @property def border(self): """Region formed by taking border elements. :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ border_array = self - self.inner return Region(border_array) @property def convex_hull(self): """Region representing the convex hull. :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ hull_array = skimage.morphology.convex_hull_image(self) return Region(hull_array) @property def area(self): """Number of non-zero elements. :returns: int """ return np.count_nonzero(self) @property def index_arrays(self): """All nonzero elements as a pair of arrays.""" return np.where(self == True) @property def points(self): """Region as a list of points.""" return list(zip(*self.index_arrays)) @property def perimeter(self): """Return the perimiter. :returns: int """ return self.border.area
[docs] def dilate(self, iterations=1): """Return a dilated region. :param iterations: number of iterations to use in dilation :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ dilated_array = nd.morphology.binary_dilation(self, iterations=iterations) return Region(dilated_array)
@property def centroid(self): """Return centroid as (y, x) tuple.""" return tuple([np.mean(ia) for ia in self.index_arrays])
[docs]class SegmentedImage(Image): """Class representing the results of applying a segmentation to an image. Each unique pixel value represents a different region of the segmentation. 0 represents background and positive integers represent the different regions. """ @property def identifiers(self): """Return a set of unique identifiers in the segmented image.""" return set(np.unique(self)) - set([0]) @property def number_of_segments(self): """Return the number of segments present in the segmented image.""" return len(self.identifiers)
[docs] def region_by_identifier(self, identifier): """Return region of interest corresponding to the supplied identifier. :param identifier: integer corresponding to the segment of interest :returns: `jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ if identifier < 0: raise(ValueError("Identifier must be a positive integer.")) if not np.equal(np.mod(identifier, 1), 0): raise(ValueError("Identifier must be a positive integer.")) if identifier == 0: raise(ValueError("0 represents the background.")) return Region.select_from_array(self, identifier)
@property def background(self): """Return the segmented image background. In other words the region with pixel values 0. :returns: `jicbioimage.core.region.Region` """ return Region.select_from_array(self, 0) @property def pretty_color_image(self): """Return segmentation as a pretty color image. :returns: `jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return Image.from_array(pretty_color_array(self)) @property def unique_color_image(self): """Return segmentation as a unique color image. :returns: `jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return Image.from_array(unique_color_array(self))
[docs] def png(self, width=None): """Return png string of image. :param width: integer specifying the desired width :returns: png as a string """ return self.pretty_color_image.png(width)
[docs] def remove_region(self, identifier): """Remove region from the segmentation. :param identifier: region identifier """ region = self.region_by_identifier(identifier) self[region] = 0
[docs] def merge_regions(self, id1, id2): """Merge two regions into one. The merged region will take on the id1 identifier. :param id1: region 1 identifier :param id2: region 2 identifier """ region2 = self.region_by_identifier(id2) self[region2] = id1
[docs]def connected_components(image, connectivity=2, background=None): """Return :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.SegmentedImage`. :param image: input :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :param connectivity: maximum number of orthagonal hops to consider a pixel/voxel as a neighbor :param background: consider all pixels with this value (int) as background :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.SegmentedImage` """ # Work around skimage.measure.label behaviour in version 0.12 and higher # treats all 0 pixels as background even if "background" argument is set # to None. if background is None: image[np.where(image == 0)] = np.max(image) + 1 ar = skimage.measure.label(image, connectivity=connectivity, background=background) # The :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.SegmentedImage` assumes that zero is # background. So we need to change the identifier of any pixels that are # marked as zero if there is no background in the input image. if background is None: ar[np.where(ar == 0)] = np.max(ar) + 1 else: if np.min(ar) == -1: # Work around skimage.measure.label behaviour pre version 0.12. # Pre version 0.12 the background in skimage was labeled -1 and the # first component was labelled with 0. # The jicbioimage.core.image.SegmentedImage assumes that the # background is labelled 0. ar[np.where(ar == 0)] = np.max(ar) + 1 ar[np.where(ar == -1)] = 0 segmentation = SegmentedImage.from_array(ar) return segmentation
[docs]def watershed_with_seeds(image, seeds, mask=None): """Return :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.SegmentedImage`. :param image: input :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :param seeds: numpy.ndarray of same shape as image, each seed needs to be a unique integer :param mask: bool numpy.ndarray of same shape as image, only regions that are marked as True will be labelled :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.SegmentedImage` """ ar = skimage.morphology.watershed(-image, seeds, mask=mask) segmentation = SegmentedImage.from_array(ar) return segmentation