Source code for

"""Module for reading and writing images."""

import sys
import os
import os.path
import subprocess
import json
from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
import tempfile
import shutil

from jicbioimage.core.image import (

def _md5_hexdigest_from_file(fpath, blocksize=65536):
    """Return md5 hex digest of a file."""
    md5_hash = hashlib.md5()
    with open(fpath, "rb") as fh:
        buf =
        while len(buf) > 0:
            buf =
        return md5_hash.hexdigest()

[docs]class AutoName(object): """Class for generating output file names automatically.""" count = 0 directory = None #: Output directory to save images to. prefix_format = "{:d}_" #: Image file prefix format. namespace = "" #: Image file namespace. @classmethod
[docs] def prefix(cls): """Return auto generated file prefix.""" return cls.prefix_format.format(cls.count)
[docs] def name(cls, func): """Return auto generated file name.""" cls.count = cls.count + 1 fpath = '{}{}{}'.format(cls.prefix(), cls.namespace, func.__name__) if fpath = os.path.join(, fpath) return fpath
[docs]class AutoWrite(object): """Class for writing images automatically.""" #: Whether or not auto writing of images is enabled. on = True
############################################################################# # Back ends classes for storing/caching unpacked microscopy images. #############################################################################
[docs]class Manifest(list): """Class for generating backend entry manifest files."""
[docs] def add(self, filename, **kwargs): """Add an entry to the manifest. :param filename: relative path to image :param kwargs: custom parameters, e.g. series, channel, zslice :returns: the added entry """ self.append(dict(filename=filename, **kwargs)) return self[-1]
@property def json(self): """Return json representation.""" return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=True)
[docs]class FileBackend(object): """Class for storing image files."""
[docs] class Entry(object): """Class representing a backend entry.""" def __init__(self, base_dir, fpath): """Initialise a new entry; to be populated with images. The base name of the fpath argument is used to create a subdirectory in the backend directory specific for the microscopy file to be loaded. :param base_dir: backend directory :param fpath: path to the microscopy image of interest """ self.md5_hexdigest = _md5_hexdigest_from_file(fpath) self._directory = os.path.join(base_dir, self.md5_hexdigest) if not os.path.isdir( os.mkdir( @property def directory(self): """Where the images are stored.""" return self._directory
def __init__(self, directory): """Initialise a backend. Creates the backend directory if it does not already exist. :param directory: location of the backend """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) self._directory = directory @property def directory(self): """Where the entries are stored.""" return self._directory
[docs] def new_entry(self, fpath): """Return a new entry; to be populated with images. :param fpath: path to microscopy image :returns: :class:`jiciimagelib.image.FileBackend.Entry` instance """ return FileBackend.Entry(, fpath)
[docs]class BFConvertWrapper(object): """Class for unpacking microscopy files using bfconvert.""" def __init__(self, backend): self.backend = backend self._split_order = ['s', 'c', 'z', 't']
[docs] def split_pattern(self, win32=False): """Pattern used to split the input file.""" patterns = [] for p in self._split_order: if win32: patterns.append('{}%%{}'.format(p.capitalize(), p)) else: patterns.append('{}%{}'.format(p.capitalize(), p)) return '_'.join(patterns)
[docs] def manifest(self, entry): """Returns manifest as a list. :param entry: :class:`` :returns: :class:`` """ m = Manifest() for fname in _sorted_listdir( if fname == 'manifest.json': continue fpath = os.path.join(, fname) md5_hexdigest = _md5_hexdigest_from_file(fpath) metadata = self.metadata_from_fname(fname, md5_hexdigest) m.add(**metadata) return m
[docs] def run_command(self, input_file, output_dir=None): """Return the command for running bfconvert as a list. :param input_file: path to microscopy image to be converted :param ouput_dir: directory to write output tiff files to :returns: list """ base_name = os.path.basename(input_file) name, suffix = base_name.split('.', 1) output_file = '{}.tif'.format(self.split_pattern()) bfconvert = 'bfconvert' if sys.platform == 'win32': bfconvert = 'bfconvert.bat' output_file = '{}.tif'.format(self.split_pattern(win32=True)) if output_dir: output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, output_file) return [bfconvert, "-nolookup", input_file, output_file]
[docs] def metadata_from_fname(self, fname, md5_hexdigest): """Return meta data extracted from file name. :param fname: metadata file name :returns: dictionary with meta data required by """ base_name = os.path.basename(fname) # e.g. 'S1_C2_Z3_T4.tif' name, suffix = base_name.split('.') # e.g. 'S1_C2_Z3_T4', 'tif' data = name.split('_') # e.g. ['S1', 'C2', 'Z3', 'T4'] args = [int(x[1:]) for x in data] # e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4] return dict(filename=fname, md5_hexdigest=md5_hexdigest, series=args[0], channel=args[1], zslice=args[2], timepoint=args[3])
[docs] def already_converted(self, fpath): """Return true if the file already has a manifest file in the backend. :param fpath: potential path to the manifest file :returns: bool """ manifest_fpath = os.path.join(, _md5_hexdigest_from_file(fpath), 'manifest.json') return os.path.isfile(manifest_fpath)
def __call__(self, input_file): """Run the conversion. Unpacks the microscopy file and creates the manifest file. This function creates an entry in a temporary directory. It then moves the entry directory from the temporary to the backend directory. One reason for this is to ensure that we do not end up with broken entry directories in the backend. However, a more important reason is that we want to increase the write speed when working in docker containers. The backend directory is commonly mounted as a volume and using bfconvert to write to this directory is *much* slower than writing to a directory inside the docker container and then copying the result over to the mounted volume. :param input_file: path to the microscopy file :raises: RuntimeError :returns: path to manifest file """ # Create an entry in a temporary directory. tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() entry = FileBackend.Entry(tempdir, input_file) try: cmd = self.run_command(input_file, try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() except OSError as e: msg = 'bfconvert tool not found in PATH\n{}'.format(e) raise(RuntimeError(msg)) if len(stderr) > 0: raise(RuntimeError(stderr)) if stdout.startswith(b"Found unknown command flag"): msg = "Problem running bfconvert\n" msg = msg + stdout msg = msg + "\nPlease upgrade bftools to version 5.2.1" msg = msg + " or greater" msg = msg + "\n" msg = msg + "/bio-formats/5.2.1/artifacts/" raise(RuntimeError(msg)) manifest_fpath = os.path.join(, "manifest.json") manifest = self.manifest(entry) with open(manifest_fpath, 'w') as fh: fh.write(manifest.json) # Move the entry created in the temporary directory to the backend # directory. shutil.move(, finally: # Remove the temporary directory shutil.rmtree(tempdir) # Ensure that we have cleaned up after ourselves. assert not os.path.isdir(tempdir) # Return path to manifest file in backend directory. return os.path.join(, entry.md5_hexdigest, "manifest.json")
[docs]class DataManager(list): """Manage :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.ImageCollection` instances.""" def __init__(self, backend=None): if backend is None: dirpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'jicbioimage.core_backend') backend = FileBackend(directory=dirpath) self.backend = backend self.convert = BFConvertWrapper(self.backend)
[docs] def load(self, fpath): """Load a microscopy file. :param fpath: path to microscopy file """ def is_microscopy_item(fpath): """Return True if the fpath is likely to be microscopy data. :param fpath: file path to image :returns: :class:`bool` """ l = fpath.split('.') ext = l[-1] pre_ext = l[-2] if ((ext == 'tif' or ext == 'tiff') and pre_ext != 'ome'): return False return True if not self.convert.already_converted(fpath): path_to_manifest = self.convert(fpath) else: path_to_manifest = os.path.join(, _md5_hexdigest_from_file(fpath), 'manifest.json') collection = None if is_microscopy_item(fpath): collection = MicroscopyCollection(path_to_manifest) else: collection = ImageCollection(path_to_manifest) self.append(collection) return collection