Source code for jicbioimage.illustrate

"""Module for creating illustrations.

To create an annotated image we need an instance of the
:class:`jicbioimage.illustrate.AnnotatedImage` class.

>>> from jicbioimage.illustrate import AnnotatedImage

Suppose that we have an existing image.

>>> from jicbioimage.core.image import Image
>>> im = Image((50,50))

We can use this image to create an canvas instance populated with the data
as a RGB gray scale image.

>>> canvas = AnnotatedImage.from_grayscale(im)

The :class:`jicbioimage.illustrate.Canvas` instance has built in annotation

One can use it to draw crosses.

>>> canvas.draw_cross(10, 20)

One can use it to mask out bitmaps (in the example below with the color cyan).

>>> bitmap = np.zeros((50, 50), dtype=bool)
>>> bitmap[30:40, 30:40] = True
>>> canvas.mask_region(bitmap, color=(0, 255, 255))

One can use it to add text at particular locations on the canvas.

>>> canvas.text_at("Hello", 30, 60)


import os.path

import PIL.ImageFont
import numpy as np
import skimage.draw

import jicbioimage.core.image

__version__ = "0.6.1"

HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
DEFAULT_FONT_PATH = os.path.join(HERE, "fonts", "UbuntuMono-R.ttf")

[docs]class Canvas(jicbioimage.core.image._BaseImage): """Class for building up annotated images.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def blank_canvas(width, height): """Return a blank canvas to annotate. :param width: xdim (int) :param height: ydim (int) :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.illustrate.Canvas` """ canvas = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) return canvas.view(Canvas)
[docs] def draw_cross(self, position, color=(255, 0, 0), radius=4): """Draw a cross on the canvas. :param position: (row, col) tuple :param color: RGB tuple :param radius: radius of the cross (int) """ y, x = position for xmod in np.arange(-radius, radius+1, 1): xpos = x + xmod if xpos < 0: continue # Negative indices will draw on the opposite side. if xpos >= self.shape[1]: continue # Out of bounds. self[int(y), int(xpos)] = color for ymod in np.arange(-radius, radius+1, 1): ypos = y + ymod if ypos < 0: continue # Negative indices will draw on the opposite side. if ypos >= self.shape[0]: continue # Out of bounds. self[int(ypos), int(x)] = color
[docs] def draw_line(self, pos1, pos2, color=(255, 0, 0)): """Draw a line between pos1 and pos2 on the canvas. :param pos1: position 1 (row, col) tuple :param pos2: position 2 (row, col) tuple :param color: RGB tuple """ r1, c1 = tuple([int(round(i, 0)) for i in pos1]) r2, c2 = tuple([int(round(i, 0)) for i in pos2]) rr, cc = skimage.draw.line(r1, c1, r2, c2) self[rr, cc] = color
[docs] def mask_region(self, region, color=(0, 255, 0)): """Mask a region with a color. :param region: :class:`jicbioimage.core.region.Region` :param color: RGB tuple """ self[region] = color
[docs] def text_at(self, text, position, color=(255, 255, 255), size=12, antialias=False, center=False): """Write text at x, y top left corner position. By default the x and y coordinates represent the top left hand corner of the text. The text can be centered vertically and horizontally by using setting the ``center`` option to ``True``. :param text: text to write :param position: (row, col) tuple :param color: RGB tuple :param size: font size :param antialias: whether or not the text should be antialiased :param center: whether or not the text should be centered on the input coordinate """ def antialias_value(value, normalisation): return int(round(value * normalisation)) def antialias_rgb(color, normalisation): return tuple([antialias_value(v, normalisation) for v in color]) def set_color(xpos, ypos, color): try: self[ypos, xpos] = color except IndexError: pass y, x = position font = PIL.ImageFont.truetype(DEFAULT_FONT_PATH, size=size) mask = font.getmask(text) width, height = mask.size if center: x = x - (width // 2) y = y - (height // 2) for ystep in range(height): for xstep in range(width): normalisation = mask[ystep * width + xstep] / 255. if antialias: if normalisation != 0: rgb_color = antialias_rgb(color, normalisation) set_color(x + xstep, y+ystep, rgb_color) else: if normalisation > .5: set_color(x + xstep, y + ystep, color)
[docs]class AnnotatedImage(Canvas): """Class for building up annotated images.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def from_grayscale(im, channels_on=(True, True, True)): """Return a canvas from a grayscale image. :param im: single channel image :channels_on: channels to populate with input image :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.illustrate.Canvas` """ xdim, ydim = im.shape canvas = np.zeros((xdim, ydim, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for i, include in enumerate(channels_on): if include: canvas[:, :, i] = im return canvas.view(AnnotatedImage)