Source code for jicbioimage.transform

"""Module containing image transformation functions.

The :mod:`jicbioimage.transform` module contains a number of built-in general
purpose transformations that have had the
:func:`jicbioimage.core.transformation` function decorator applied to them.

import numpy as np

import scipy.ndimage.filters

import skimage.morphology
import skimage.exposure
import skimage.filters

from jicbioimage.core.util.array import (

from jicbioimage.core.transform import transformation

__version__ = "0.6.0"

[docs]def max_intensity_projection(stack): """Return maximum intensity projection of a stack. :param stack: 3D array from which to project third dimension :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return reduce_stack(stack, max)
[docs]def min_intensity_projection(stack): """Return minimum intensity projection of a stack. :param stack: 3D array from which to project third dimension :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return reduce_stack(stack, min)
[docs]def mean_intensity_projection(stack): """Return mean intensity projection of a stack. :param stack: 3D array from which to project third dimension :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return reduce_stack(stack, np.mean)
[docs]def median_intensity_projection(stack): """Return mean intensity projection of a stack. :param stack: 3D array from which to project third dimension :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return reduce_stack(stack, np.median)
@transformation @dtype_contract(input_dtype=np.float, output_dtype=np.float)
[docs]def smooth_gaussian(image, sigma=1): """Returns Gaussian smoothed image. :param image: numpy array or :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :param sigma: standard deviation :returns: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(image, sigma=sigma, mode="nearest")
@transformation @dtype_contract(output_dtype=np.bool)
[docs]def threshold_otsu(image, multiplier=1.0): """Return image thresholded using Otsu's method. """ otsu_value = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(image) return image > otsu_value * multiplier
@transformation @dtype_contract(input_dtype=np.bool, output_dtype=np.bool)
[docs]def remove_small_objects(image, min_size=50, connectivity=1): """Remove small objects from an boolean image. :param image: boolean numpy array or :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :returns: boolean :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` """ return skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects(image, min_size=min_size, connectivity=connectivity)
[docs]def invert(image): """Return an inverted image of the same dtype. Assumes the full range of the input dtype is in use and that no negative values are present in the input image. :param image: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :returns: inverted image of the same dtype as the input """ if image.dtype == bool: return np.logical_not(image) maximum = np.iinfo(image.dtype).max maximum_array = np.ones(image.shape, dtype=image.dtype) * maximum return maximum_array - image
@transformation @dtype_contract(input_dtype=bool, output_dtype=bool)
[docs]def dilate_binary(image, selem=None): """Return dilated image. :param image: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :param selem: neighborhood expressed as 1's and 0's, default is a cross :returns: dilated image """ return skimage.morphology.binary_dilation(image, selem)
@transformation @dtype_contract(input_dtype=bool, output_dtype=bool)
[docs]def erode_binary(image, selem=None): """Return eroded image. :param image: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :param selem: neighborhood expressed as 1's and 0's, default is a cross :returns: eroded image """ return skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(image, selem)
@transformation @dtype_contract(output_dtype=np.float)
[docs]def find_edges_sobel(image, mask=None): """Return edges detected using the Sobel method. :param image: :class:`jicbioimage.core.image.Image` :param mask: Optional mask indicating regions to ignore :returns: eroded image """ return skimage.filters.sobel(image, mask=mask)